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soaking through
I have level 7 stabbity stabbity.  I also have level 26 juggling, but somehow I think that may be somewhat useless in this particular case.
I'm not sure if anybody has found this before, but this is weird. I'm playin in impact crater phazon core and i'm killing the metriods. I'm up at the missle station and I have 4 ssplit metriods that want my soul. i run to the open door of the missle station and get an ice fission metroid stuck one me right me the doorway. I bomb and go into the room and the metroid follows me in, then dissapers. I fight the other guys and notice a red blip on my radar. I turn around and see nothing. I then open the door the metroid is INSIDE The missle station and trying to get my soul. Weird huh?

I just did the same thing but stayed in the room. Now there is a fully invisible, no scan point, can-still-be-locked-on-to metroid.

It can't be damaged either.

As soon as I opened the door, it went exploded/ died.
Hi, I'm new.

Sorry to bump the topic but these glitches aren't worthy of a new topic.

Anyway, I was playing through testing out some of the sequence breaks and did plasma before Thardus. After I completely obliterated him I decided to go through the Phazon mines backwards. I went through all the usual stuff and went out for the X-ray visor without the grapple shortcut because I wanted the artifact from the Phazon Elite. As I went through mine security station I activated the door to the flame thrower then went to the trigger zone for the 'first' Wave Trooper fight. After I killed them and the Shadow Pirates the Wave Trooper intro cutscene played again, without the Wave Troopers and all the doors locked stopping me from escaping.

Another pointless glitch, this time in fungal hall a. I decided to have some fun with the Metroid in the room and waited until the very last second to shoot it with the ice beam. When I did the Metroid was on my face and the screen had a slight red glow but I wasn't losing any health. I went into morphball mode and the frozen Metroid was in the normal 'attached' position until I was fully in morphball mode when it shot up a little before defrosting.

I have pal version but these glitches could probably be done in any version.
there is a vid for the last one, but it hasn't been posted yet. glitches are kind of low priority ... will be posted eventually though.
Quote from Toozin:
OMG WTF I found a glitch where I saw Samus's face wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf!

"It's just the reflection on her visor. Programmers did that to make it look more realistic."

True. That is not a glitch, I have found that out myself. To anyone that is wondering how to do this, charge your beam, then walk up to a wall, then let off the beam. You will see Samus's eyes.
red chamber dream
Toozin was being sarcastic...Rolling Eyes
everybody knows it's true
yup. Everyone should know that "easter egg" by now
I cloned Samus:

everybody knows it's true
Thats... certainly... weird.
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
I cloned Samus:

How the hell did you do that? Haha :D
You all must have noticed that you can shoot or move or swap beams between cutsceens, especially between artifact cutscenes. And this time I got hit by one of those torrets so I went a bit backwards but the 'cutscene samus' was still standing in the midle of the room :? . Its weird that I look at her face and not the back. I certainly laughed my ass of when I saw it.
Have you guys ever noticed that the door behind hive mecha is slightly glitched if you enter it backwards for the first time (which means unlocking it from the other side). It opens first the backdoor then the frontdoor.
I haven't noticed that. But about the SW glitch (see page 6 for pics (wow, that rhymed... "six, pics")) i made a video a while ago.
Single Segment is pissing me off. I was doing a pretty nice run with nearly no mistakes and the game crashed again, in tower of light access Evil or Very Mad . I just can't finish the game, its like the 4th time in a row. Does anybody knows the chances of a crash? For single segment you have about 4 to 5 rooms were the game can crash.
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
Single Segment is pissing me off. I was doing a pretty nice run with nearly no mistakes and the game crashed again, in tower of light access Evil or Very Mad . I just can't finish the game, its like the 4th time in a row. Does anybody knows the chances of a crash? For single segment you have about 4 to 5 rooms were the game can crash.

I know how frusturated you feel. How frequently the game crashes is the worst part of a SS run by far. The three main places the game seems to crash (for me anyway) is in the elevator to the beginning of Chozo Ruins, Tower of Light Access, and the hallway leading to the furnace. I don't know what these crashes depend on, but the elevator crash happens a ridiculous amount for me; at times it's crashing 50% of the time. The other two crashes don't happen very often for me. Of course, there are other spots that the game can crash. It crashed when I was entering the crash site the other day. Heh, I just noticed that pun.
Quote from Skreemaster:
Apparently what causes the crash is the game having insufficient time to load a room before you enter this, and choosing to crash rather than hurling you into a secret world until the room loads. So obviously, in a speed run it's more likely, and in SS, when you're not giving the game time to load by stopping to save, it's even more likely.

i think other people would wonder about me if i put you on probation for this, so i won't, but don't let me hear you say that again or you're gone.

using the forum is a privilege, not a right, and you will not use it to spread false information as long as i am here.

i've deleted the original post (the entirety of which is quoted above) to further reduce the risk of someone reading that and believing it.
Banks crashed on the chozo elevator the very first time he played the game.

We're lucky he even played the game after that... or it might have altered history and sequence breaking wouldn't exist OMGWTF
I'll be back. Maybe...
It was something I read on GameFAQs, I believe. I apologise.
soaking through
So then, what does cause it to crash?
those who are knowin' ain't tellin'.

of course, if the game is played identically, it should crash every time, but i think it may require accuracy of movement down to one frame, similar to controlling enemy movement in fusion, only with the added third dimension - not going to happen by a human player. thus, telling people they can do something about it will cause them to waste their time.
red chamber dream
I've never had the elevator crash happen to me. Does that make me a superhuman?More like a lucky kraid...
I'll be back. Maybe...
Does it happen equally on all versions?
No, all the versoins, except the original ntsc and Japanese version, have a new loading system so the game will not crash anymore, it takes longer to load rooms though.

If you want to know more version differences you should just check metroid2002.
I have PAL players choise and I have had a crash only once.

If you can call it a crash... "Read error, blaablaa"
This happened in some swamp place in Prime.
And the disc was perfectly clean when I looked at it closely. :?

...and wouldn't your times be faster if you put pause each time room starts loading?
I mean the time won't go on when paused...