101% Collection Rate
Discovered by BoostR, Thomaz video
11th Feb 2005 UPDATE: I, (Dwaggie Dragonite) have sent in videos of the ending sequence & images of the 101% pause screen and game-load screen. (I asked Nate to host them in his directory, to save more being created...this will most likely be the only upload I give to the site, because I'm *NOT* a good metroid player...at least, to the ranks of Kip, Nolan, Radix, and the rest). Linked below:
This is the screen where you load the game. Shows 101%
This is an in-game image, showing 101% on the pause screen.
19 seconds long. 2.82mb. Shows Samus in her hot blue skin-tight clothing. Nice blonde hair-flick too. Unfortunately, as you can see, nothing special for getting *over* 100% :(
9 seconds long. 1.35mb. This shows the normal ending sequence for 100%. However, I zoomed the camera in to show that I had collected 101% of items.
Also, I'm sorry about the wobbly video, I was using a small digital camera that can only film a maximum of 20 seconds per file, and I was also trying to keep it steady. Heh. Also, it was played on a 50hertz television, thus the red line/faded lines being seen on the video clips, because of the different framerate refresh of the television and the camera. Oh well, it's the best I could do. Hope this helps!