L and R midair dash
Discovered by: Baby Sheegoth, SAL
This trick is used to dash while in the second jump of space jump.
NOTE i think this page should go to the actuall techniques page.
There are many ways of doing this trick but here are to two easyest way I find doing it. You will also need precice timing to do this trick.
on the second jump u can hold L and press R sligthy.holding the direction all the way
TO gain more distance DO NOT HOLD L ON THE FIRST JUMP but on the second jump quickly on the peak of the jump press L AND LET GO the milli SECOND AFTER Press R imeditly!
Congraulations u have just done a mid air dash with out lock on to notin!
NOTE: the screen might shake a bit or if you done IT properly the screen will look like its draging samus but the screen still might shake a bit.