Discovered By: SamusAranLuver
Contributors: The Wong&Yum Bros
Heres something you can do while you and your 2 family or friends are all trying to kill 1 of your anyoing opponents.
Decide Which person is doing which number.You'll need 3 players
#1 this player will get dark beam
#2 this player will man the turrent
#3 this player will be on the morth ball shot behind the turrent BUT NOT ACTIVEVATING IT!(this will pevent the Anyoing player to set off a bomb.)player 3 will also be geting power bomb first.
when the anyoing player is near player 1 will blast him with dark beam(Charged so he is conveninty frozen.) and player 2 will blast him with the turrent
if the anyoing player gets too close to the slot, then player one will freeze him at the same time cue player 2 so he'll have time to get off the turrent, and by the time player 1&2 excapes the anyoing player will be un frozen and then player 3 will power bomb him :)
(this was planed out by me when me and my brother and cousin were trying to kill our anyoing little Cousin)
Discovered by: Baby Sheegoth
in the "Room" with the Turret, to reach the second level do an L Jump off the ledge onto the platform
Added by Dark Samus
want to get rid of somone who kills anyone who tries to get to the bomb slot and is in the turret? the Grapple beam is very effective because you will be hard to hit