Not So Majestic Now, Sire
Encountered by
DJ Grenola
I was trying to polish off His Highness Emperor Ing in my 21% game, when this happened.
I couldn't damage him with missiles, screw attack or beams (I would have tried a power bomb if I'd had any left). Eventually I walked into his back leg and died (you'll notice I only had 02 energy left).
SamusAranLuver Note: You could of space jumped and then shot the crystal on his back.
DJ Grenola Note: Actually I had it happen twice more, and you can damage him by shooting his mouth if you are prepared to get very close and aim manually. After doing enough damage to his core, it changed colour and he continued the fight normally. I'm assuming this is caused by a clipping glitch such that the game waits for him to reach the ground before stopping the attack, but since he gets stuck in a wall, he never touches the ground, so the attack never ends.
SamusAranLuver note: Very interesting theory but I heard rumors about low percents such as yours 21% to cause the problem but strangely this glitch happened to me on my 75% game.