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Discovered by petrie911

Start the fight by killing the 2 Pirate Carriers fast using Hypermode. Do that before the Pirates come out. (They take 5 Hypermode shots each on Normal)

Additional information added by zell99

For Rundas himself, go into Hypermode as soon as possible after the cutscene. Use normal shots on Rundas to stun him (he takes about 7 hypermode shots on Normal). When he is stunned, grapple his shield off and start charging your gun. Dodge his ice shots while unloading your charge shot on him. Charge a 2nd one and follow him around, shooting him. Watch your Phazon level, you should be through the 25s and get into "Vent Phazon out" mode. Rundas will put his shield back on at this point, stun him with normal shots and repeat. Make sure you stun him as fast as possible or he will start flying around.