AROT (MREA Section)
From Retro Modding Wiki
Within MREA resources, the AROT section stores an octree which is used to accelerate rendering of areas in back-to-front order.
Octrees are a form of BSP tree that subdivide an area in 3-dimensions. They are structured recursively, starting with a root node and traversing their way to individual leaf nodes. A full-branch octant will split sub-octants across 3-tiers, one for each dimension of euclidean space.
Data Type | Element Count | Description | Notes |
Header | 1 | Octree Header | |
long | round_up(bitmap_bit_count / 32) * bitmap_count | Mesh Bitmap Array | An array of word-packed bitmaps relating octant nodes to sets of MREA meshes |
long | node_count | Node Indirection Table | Since nodes use variable-length-encoding, there is an indirection table with byte-offsets (relative to first node) |
Node Entry | node_count | Node Entry Table | Tightly-packed blob of nodes |
Offset | Size | Data Type | Description | Notes |
0x0 | 4 | long | Magic | AROT
0x4 | 4 | long | Version | Always 0x1 |
0x8 | 4 | long | Mesh-Bitmap Count | Count of mesh-bitmaps |
0xC | 4 | long | Mesh-Bitmap Bit-Count | Count of bits in each mesh-bitmap (matches MREA's mesh count) |
0x10 | 4 | long | Node Count | Number of octant nodes |
0x14 | 24 | float2x3 | AABB | AABB that fully-encloses area and serves as the octree's root-shape |
Node Entry
Offset | Size | Data Type | Description | Notes |
0x0 | 2 | short | Bitmap Index | Index of the mesh bitmap defining a set of MREA meshes for this octant node |
0x2 | 2 | short | Additional Child Count | If non-zero, this counts the octant's child-nodes in addition to the first child (a value of 0x7 actually indicates 8 child-nodes)
If zero, this node-entry ends here |
0x4 | 2 | short[additional_child_count + 1] | Node Child Indexes | Variable-length array of node-entry indices that are children of this node-entry |