Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
From Retro Modding Wiki
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Metroid Prime, and the second game developed by Retro.
- AFSM: AI finite state machine
- AGSC: Sound effects
- ANCS: Character
- ANIM: Animation data
- ATBL: Audio table
- CINF: Skeletons
- CMDL: Models
- CRSC: Collision response data
- CSKR: Skin bindings
- CSNG: MIDI data
- CTWK: Tweak data
- DCLN: Collision OBB tree group
- DGRP: Dependency groups
- DPSC: Decal data
- DSP: Music
- DUMB: Raw data
- EGMC: Unknown
- ELSC: Particle electric data
- EVNT: Animation POI data
- FSM2: Another finite state machine format
- FONT: Font
- FRME: GUI frames
- HINT: Hint system manager
- MAPA: Area map
- MAPW: World map
- MAPU: Universe map
- MLVL: World
- MREA: Area (room geometry, collision, objects, lights, etc)
- PAK: Packfile
- PART: Particles
- PATH: Pathfinding data
- SAVW: World save info
- SCAN: Scannable object info
- STLC: Audio name lookup
- STRG: String tables
- SWHC: Particle swoosh data
- THP: Videos
- TXTR: Textures
- WPSC: Weapon projectile data