Fast Darkburst

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Discovered by

Red Scarlet

Red Scarlet's own description:

Alright, woot. As you know, to get the Darkburst, you are supposed to get that helicopter blade started after doing the morph ball timed puzzle, then somehow (I forget the normal way) get to the portal above it, then take the portal, then go through 2 rooms in Dark Aether, then take a portal to Light Aether, and then go back through those 2 rooms to grab the Darkburst.

Well, that isn't necessary. After doing my ghetto jump to get on top of the blade (on the end away from the portal by like jumping left into those rocks, then up), don't go into the portal.

Instead, if facing the portal, the Darkburst is on your left. See that bar on the "tower" thing the blade is connected to? Well, face the Dark Beam and ghetto jump the bigger metal part and the very top thing (goes outward), and try to Screw Attack at the very peak of your jump.

What's strange is when you get the Darkburst this way, the little "ooh new toy" cinema wasn't even shown, nor was "Darkburst Acquired!"

It seems like a real pain to get off, but it's extremely worth it; it saves going to the portal, through Trial Grounds, through the Dark Transit Station, using the portal in Duelling Range to get behind those bars in Mining Plaza, and going through Transit station to pick the Darkburst up, probably saving about 2 minutes.

I did record myself getting it, so it's all good...and I picked up 5 items on the way before I saved, including Darkburst, and went from 71%-76%, so it still counts and stuff.

You still have to do the 2 bomb slots puzzle though, so the blade is raised high enough.