Secret Worlds: magmoor workstation
Discovered byBoostR, bartendorsparky
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- By standing on the platform in front of the door to Workstation Tunnel, facing towards the purple power conduit, and looking upwards slightly, one can see a ledge over which it is possible to jump to leave the map. From this position you can try standing as high as possible on the rocky pillar to Samus' right and executing a perfect L Jump from this rock towards the ledge, but the presence of an invisible ceiling will scupper all but the most pixel-perfect attempts. Fortunately, there are a couple of slightly easier ways that do not require the player to be in possession of advanced ninjitsu powers.
- Both alternative methods use dash jumps to get the horizontal distance required to move past the invisible ceiling and reach a point on the ledge which is unprotected. The easier of these two methods is only possible on the original north american version of the game, owing to its use of scan-dashing. The second, slightly harder method uses a combat dash and therefore works on all versions. We will deal with the scan-dash method first, which is depicted in the above left video.
- The idea here is to destroy one of the triclopses in the pit at the bottom of Workstation and use the charge beam to tractor the resulting refill into a position from which it may be used as a scan dash point. One valid spot to place the refill is on the left of the platform mentioned in the first paragraph - the one in front of the door leading to Workstation Tunnel. Bring the refill roughly level with the edge of the platform, and against the left wall as you face the purple conduit, and do it fast - its life is similar to the period it takes to get everything set up. Quickly get into position at the top of the rocky pillar mentioned above and use the refill to dash to the right. At some point after using your first jump to dash, hold L, move the stick to backwards and tap B. Pressing L will kill your sideways momentum; your second jump must be backwards and over the ledge.
- Success or failure here is largely dictated by three quantities - how well you dashed, the precise positioning of the refill, and the time at which you jumped. It may help to bend the dash backwards to keep Samus as close to the ledge as possible. A good fast dash is required so that when the space jump takes effect you still have as much height as possible.
- The alternative method is to keep one of the flying pirates alive and use it as a combat dash point. It is easier in this case to face the opposite direction and dash to the left, this time jumping forwards over the ledge after hitting L rather than backwards. Hide behind the rocky pillar and wait for the pirate to complete a missile attack, and then attempt to coax it into the space on the right. The pirate will tend to dodge power beam shots, so you can exploit this fact to keep it moving until it is in the position you want. You might also like to try freezing it with the ice beam, although it does not really stay paralysed long enough for this to be particularly advantageous. Once the pirate is in a position roughly between the two pillars that are below you, climb quickly to the top of the rock as before, dash to the left, hit L and jump forwards. This method is shown in the above right video.
- You can of course also try drawing a refill into a position between the pillars and dashing to the left, rather than sucking it up near the Workstation Tunnel door and dashing to the right. Some may find this method easier as it provides the player with a clear view of the ledge during the dash.