Without Plasma Beam: Artifact of Sun
Discovered byMaster ZED
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- With the help of the Infinite Speed glitch, the Artifact of Sun can be collected immediately after getting the Wave Beam, as seen in the above video.
- IMPORTANT: Before obtaining Infinite Speed, make sure to shoot the purple door with the Wave Beam so it is ready to open. Then make sure to stay away from it so it does not open until you are ready to leave the room.
- To the left of the door are some boxes. Use the back of the box closest to the corner of the room to acquire Infinite Speed. A consistent way to get the correct angle is to face the opposite corner of the room before Morphing, and then hold down-right on the Control Stick.
- Once the Infinite Speed glitch is activated, use Bombs to escape the boxes and then do a Double Bomb Jump up to the door. If you set it up correctly, the door will open for you.
- Boost while passing through the next room to collect the Artifact of Sun.
- From here, continue to the Magmoor elevator in order to cancel the Infinite Speed glitch.