Skipping Space Jump: Metroid Quarantine B
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- Kill everything in this room. Then, go to the corner near the spider track that has a big boulder in it and morph. Do a DBJ up into the little cranny at the top, and when you get up you need to move near the edge closest the spider track. While holding L the entire time, you need to jump. For the jump you need to strafe out to the left, and then forward again, landing on the track. Then look towards the phazon pit and walk out towards it, keeping yourself tight against the wall. Only walk out so you're not going to hit the other spider track when you jump. Jump towards the grated platform closest to the phazon pool. Now walk towards the very top left corner and position yourself so you're barely staying on it. Look up and lock onto the grapple point and dash to the left. You'll need to bend it forward really hard, so just push up all the way on the stick. You might need to turn to the right a bit as well.